CHESS AND WOMAN – 2/10 at 11am
Chess and woman
There are a lot of myths around women and chess, do women play worse?
Why are there so few? Is there a relationship between style of play and
gender? How does a top world player feel? Is there a personality pattern
that makes a woman better able to be among the best? How can we
enhance the presence of women in this sport?
These are issues that have been worked on and discussed, not only from
an amateur perspective, but it has a specific weight within the different
federations, having people responsible for chess and women’s areas. In
the scientific aspect, they have done studies in this regard. Is there a glass
ceiling like in business world? We cannot forget the parallelism between
the business world of senior executives and the world of chess, where
man plays a key role. This has led to scientific studies of the role of women
in chess, looking for answers.
The experts will talk about all this and more:
- Maria Cubel: PhD in Economics and expert on gender differences, author
of different scientific studies on chess and gender. - Maria Rodrigo Yangüas: WFM, PhD in clinical psychology and head of the
chess section and wife of the FEDE. - Pia Cramling: Swedish player, fifth woman to win the title of GM,
European champion in 2003. - Pere Duran, chess trainer at Peona i Peó club, and responsable of the
education chess program at Barcelona City.
In a round table led by Leontxo Garcia lecturer, presenter, commentator,
and journalist from Guipúzcoa specialized in chess
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October 2nd at 11 a.m. at Casino Prado